Rose Parrakeet


The following web pages are linked to the "N" numbers of known aircraft up to 2010. Should you have mages and information on any aircraft built, being built or purchased since, you are encouraged to contact parrakeet@experimentalaircraftplans .com

Click on any "N" number for complete information.


N4HW Rose Parrakeet Reproduction
N16N Rose Parrakeet Replica
N27Q Rose Parrakeet A4 Replica
N80RG Rose Parrakeet Reproduction S/N 101
N111EJ "Gypsy" Rose Parrakeet Reproduction S/N 001
N120SE "Ragtime" Rose Parrakeet Reproduction S/N JSI-100
N163MS Rose Parrakeet Reproduction S/N 63
N200ES Pajaroto "Ed Sweat" Rose Parrakeet Reproduction S/N 1986
N567PS Pajaroto Rose Parrekeet Reproduction S/N 1986
N446JW Rose Parrakeet Reproduction S/N 1936
N769RP Rose Parrakeet Reproduction S/N CJ3
N846V Rhinehart Rose Parrakeet A4-C S/N 509
N1071 Rose Parrakeet Reproduction S/N 101
N1154A "Iowa Prarie Rose" Hannaford D-1 Rose Parrakeet Reproduction S/N 001
N1186G HHannaford A4 Rose Parrakeet Experimental S/N A4-01n S/N 002
N18252 Rose Parrakeet A-1
N2125 Rose Parrakeet Reproduction S/N 101
N4048A Hannaford D-1 Rose Parrakeet Reproduction S/N GF-1
N15DG Hannaford D-1 Rose Parrakeet Reproduction S/N GF-1
N4306S Rose Parrakeet Reproduction S/N 63
N7072J Patton Rose Parrakeet A4-C Reproduction S/N 15RP
N9001H Hannaford Bee Rose Parrakeet Reproduction S/N 001
N14485 Rhinehart Rose Parrakeet A4-C Experimental S/N 510
N63950 Rhinehart Rose Parrakeet A4-C Experimental S/N 510

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